Limited Warranty

Please be aware that e-cigarette kits are made up of different parts and are therefore subject to differentwarranty durations.
  • E-cigarette kits and devices (that use external batteries) have a 6-month warranty starting from thedate of purchase.
  • Batteries and mods have a finite life span dependant on usage. They each have a 60-day warranty.startina from the date of purchase, This warranty is void if the unit has been broken due tomishandling and/or tampering.
  • Clearomizers, atomizers (also known as coils or heads), pods and tanks are consumable items andare not covered under warranty. However, if they are deemed to be Dead on Arrival (faulty onreceipt) and we are notified within 7 days of you receiving them, we may replace them at ouidiscretion.
  • Some tank parts regardless of make or capability are likely to wear out over time. Those parts needto be reqularly maintained and/or replaced to achieve good working order of the product.
  • Coils, replacement pods and tanks have a variable lifespan. This can be anywhere between 2-14days, but this is heavily dependent on liquid, power and usage.
  • E-Liquids are a consumable item, sold in sealed bottles and are not covered under warranty. Theonly exception to this rule is in the case of a manufacturing fault, or shipping error on our part, inwhich case we will replace them.
  • Chargers, charging cases, leads and wall adaptor plugs are covered by a warranty period of one year(12 months) from the date of purchase. lf an item has an electrical fault such as, but not limited to,failure to emit charge, we will replace it.
  • Disposable E-Cigarettes - Please note that you are responsible for the costs of returning any faultydisposable that has been opened and used. lf your product is deemed dead on arrival, we will behappy to refund your shipping cost, All products will be checked by our Quality Control team toverify the DOA status and ensure they have not been used.
We reserve the right to change our warranty conditions without notice. We also reserve the right torefuse items returned to us which do not fulfil our stated requirements.
Please note, warranties are not guarantees and only cover manufacturing faults.

Warranty Exceptions
All warranties outlined above not be applicable for.
  • fair wear and tear:
  • wilful damage, abnormal storage or working conditions, accident, negligence by you or by any thirdparty;
  • failure by you to operate or use the products in accordance with instructions;
  • failure by you to carry normal maintenance of the products including regular cleaning of componentsand connectors;
  • any alteration or repair by you or by a third party who is not one of our authorised repairers; or
  • any specification provided by you
This does not affect your legal rights in relation to products that are faulty or not as described. Advice about youilegal rights is available from your local Citizens' Advice Bureau or Trading Standards office.

Defective or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any product is defective you must inform our Customer Service team within 24 hours ofreceipt of goods. Any claims made after this time period may not be accepted. Please do not dispose of anygoods prior to reporting the issue, as we mav reguire batch numbers, photoaraphic evidence and/or reauest thalthe item is returned to us
On receipt of defective qoods, we wil test and inspect the product. lf the item is found to be defective wewill offer you a refund or replacement within 30-days, All refunds will be processed using the samepayment method used when placing the order. lf the product is no longer available we will issue a refundincluding your postage fees, or an exchange for an alternative product of your choosing.
If the goods are deemed not to be defective or damage is caused by misuse, accidental damage or wearand tear, we will not issue a replacement or raise a credit and you will be liable for all costs incurredreturning the goods to us.
We may ask you further questions either prior to or during the returns process, or give recommendationson product usage to reduce any unnecessary returns. Please assist our Customer Service team byproviding as much information as possible regarding any reported defect.

Returns & Refunds
Please contact our Customer Service team prior to returning any goods. In some circumstances you will be givena Returns Merchandise Authorisation (RMA) number which must be included with returned items. Any unsolicitedor unauthorised returns may be disposed of
We are not responsible for items that get lost or damaged in transit. We recommend sending returns via arecorded delivery method, fully insured for the full value of goods, ensuring correct postage amount ispaid. You have a duty to take reasonable care of any goods whilst they are in your possession.
Returns must be received within 10 working days of contacting our Customer Service team. lf an item isnot returned within this time frame, we may not be able to accept it.Once we have received the returned item, we will fully test it to verify the fault. Please allow up to 5working days for it to be checked and the replacement dispatched, or credit issued.
Please ensure all returned items are packaged securely and sent to the address below, with the RMA (ifapplicable), full name, original order number and reason for return written on the outside.
Contact our customer service to obtain the return address:
Email: vip@auvapeclub.com 

Our Customer Promise
Vapouriz Limited wishes to be an organisation that puts the needs of the customer first. Our staff are commitedto providing a responsive and professional service. We promise.
  • to act in a professional manner and be always polite
  • to deal with your enquiry promptly or explain the reason for any delay
  • to listen and ask for your views
  • to keep any promises we make
  • to be open and honest and explain our decisions clearly
  • to apologise when we make a mistake and put things right
  • to accept your right to complain and guarantee a full investigation and considered response
  • to treat you and your data with respect